Publications based on research conducted through the Survey Research Center. Publications List AuthorTitleTypeYear DescendingAscending 93 Publications Status in The Cranberries' To The Faithful Departed Josep Casanovas Do Vacancies Hurt Federal Agency Performance? Christopher Piper, David Lewis Gender and Racial Discrimination in the US Music Industry Ying Zhen Readying Our Classical Music Performers–An Employer s View Kendra Ingram The Independent Agency Myth Neal Devins, David Lewis ‘People of Color’ as a category and identity in the United States Paul Starr, Edward Freeland Double jeopardy: Teacher biases, racialized organizations, and the production of racial/ethnic disparities in school discipline Jayanti Owens Career challenges facing musicians in the United States Ying Zhen Evaluation tool for assessing the influence of structural health monitoring on decision-maker risk preferences Antti Valkonen, Branko Glisic Collective wisdom in polarized groups Joseph Bak-Coleman, Christopher Tokita, Dylan Morris, Daniel Rubenstein, Iain Couzin When Vacancies Matter for US Federal Agency Performance1 David Lewis, Christopher Piper, Mark Richardson Perpetuating Inequality in Pursuit of Diversity Jordan Starck The very best people: President Trump and the management of executive personnel David Lewis, Mark Richardson What can explain the hump-shaped job search intensities over the life-cycle? ShinHyuck Kang Public attitudes toward genetic risk scoring in medicine and beyond Simone Zhang, Rebecca Johnson, John Novembre, Edward Freeland, Dalton Conley Developing an Explanatory Risk Management Model to Comprehend the Employees’ Intention to Leave Public Sector Organization Carolina Prihandinisari, Azizur Rahman, John Hicks The thick skin bias in judgments about people in poverty NATHAN CHEEK, ELDAR SHAFIR What do Americans think about universal basic income? Edward Freeland Essays on Macroeconomics under Search and Information Frictions ShinHyuck Kang The promise and peril of sexual harassment programs Frank Dobbin, Alexandra Kalev Values, bias, and stressors affect intentions to adapt to coastal flood risk: a case study from New York City Maya Buchanan, Michael Oppenheimer, Adam Parris Rockonomics: A Behind-The-Scenes Tour of What the Music Industry Can Teach Us about Economics and Life Alan Krueger Labor Supply and the Value of Non-Work Time: Experimental Estimates from the Field Alexandre Mas, Amanda Pallais The rise and nature of alternative work arrangements in the United States, 1995–2015 Lawrence Katz, Alan Krueger Understanding trends in alternative work arrangements in the United States Lawrence Katz, Alan Krueger Independent Workers: What Role for Public Policy? Alan Krueger The politicization of federal agencies and its consequences: Agency design, presidential appointments, and policy expertise Mark Richardson “Sorry, I’m Not Accepting New Patients” An Audit Study of Access to Mental Health Care Heather Kugelmass Can a summer make a difference? The impact of the American Economic Association Summer Program on minority student outcomes Charles Becker, Cecilia Rouse, Mingyu Chen Expectations of brilliance underlie gender distributions across academic disciplines Sarah-Jane Leslie, Andrei Cimpian, Meredith Meyer, Edward Freeland Estimating the effects of college characteristics over the career using administrative earnings data Stacy Dale, Alan Krueger Racial disparities in job finding and offered wages Roland Fryer, Devah Pager, Jörg Spenkuch No longer separate, not yet equal: Race and class in elite college admission and campus life Thomas Espenshade, Alexandria Radford Climbing Mount Laurel: The struggle for affordable housing and social mobility in an American suburb Douglas Massey, Len Albright, Rebecca Casciano, Elizabeth Derickson, David Kinsey Feeling the Florida heat? How low-performing schools respond to voucher and accountability pressure Cecilia Rouse, Jane Hannaway, Dan Goldhaber, David Figlio Presidential politicization of the executive branch in the United States David Lewis Separated powers in the United States: The ideology of agencies, presidents, and congress Joshua Clinton, Anthony Bertelli, Christian Grose, David Lewis, David Nixon Policy Durability and Agency Design David Lewis, Jeffery Jenkins, Eric Patashnik Evidence on the Incidence of Wage Posting, Wage Bargaining, and On-the-Job Search Robert Hall, Alan Krueger You can’t always get what you need: Organizational determinants of diversity programs Frank Dobbin, Soohan Kim, Alexandra Kalev Job search, emotional well-being, and job finding in a period of mass unemployment: Evidence from high frequency longitudinal data [with comments and discussion] Alan Krueger, Andreas Mueller, Steven Davis, Ayşegül Şahin A test of conspicuous consumption: Visibility and income elasticities Ori Heffetz Educating Scholars: Doctoral Education in the Humanities Ronald Ehrenberg, Harriet Zuckerman, Jeffrey Groen, Sharon Brucker Minority higher education pipeline: Consequences of changes in college admissions policy in Texas Angel Harris, Marta Tienda A tale of two counties: Natives’ opinions toward immigration in North Carolina Kevin O'Neil, Marta Tienda Time use and subjective well-being in France and the US Alan Krueger, Daniel Kahneman, Claude Fischler, David Schkade, Norbert Schwarz, Arthur Stone Revisiting the administrative presidency: Policy, patronage, and agency competence David Lewis Patronage Appointments in the Modern Presidency: Evidence from a Survey of Federal Executives David Lewis Measuring the subjective well-being of nations: National accounts of time use and well-being Alan Krueger Cracking the glass cages? Restructuring and ascriptive inequality at work Alexandra Kalev Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Next page Next › Last page Last »