Publications based on research conducted through the Survey Research Center. Publications List AuthorTitleTypeYear DescendingAscending 93 Publications OMB in Its Management Role: Evidence from Surveys of Federal Executives David Lewis, Mark Richardson, Eric Rosenthal MANAGERIAL DEMOGRAPHICS Frank Dobbin, Alexandra Kalev Fossil fuel communities support climate policy coupled with just transition assistance Alexander Gazmararian Wage Dispersion and Search Behavior: The Importance of Nonwage Job Values Robert Hall, Andreas Mueller Personnel System Under Stress: Results of the 2014 Survey on the Future of Government Service David Lewis, Mark Richardson Race, Self-Selection, and the Job Search Process Devah Pager, David Pedulla Characterizing Agencies’ Political Environments: Partisan Agreement and Disagreement in the US Executive Branch Mark Richardson An analysis of ticket pricing in the primary and secondary concert marketplace Terrance Tompkins Have American's social attitudes become more polarized? Paul DiMaggio, John Evans, Bethany Bryson The Shape of the River. Long-Term Consequences of Considering Race in College and University Admissions. William Bowen, Derek Bok What determines voter turnout? Lessons from citizens with disabilities Lisa Schur, Douglas Kruse The impact of participatory management on productivity, quality, and employees morale Charles Gono What are food stamps worth? Diane Whitmore The quiet hand of God: Faith-based activism and the public role of mainline Protestantism Robert Wuthnow, John Evans, others Overcoming status distinctions? Religious involvement, social class, race, and ethnicity in friendship patterns Robert Wuthnow Admission preferences for minority students, athletes, and legacies at elite universities Thomas Espenshade, Chang Chung, Joan Walling Attitudes in the social context: the impact of social network composition on individual-level attitude strength. Penny Visser, Robert Mirabile A survey method for characterizing daily life experience: The day reconstruction method Daniel Kahneman, Alan Krueger, David Schkade, Norbert Schwarz, Arthur Stone Toward national well-being accounts Daniel Kahneman, Alan Krueger, David Schkade, Norbert Schwarz, Arthur Stone Can we talk? Self-presentation and the survey response Adam Berinsky What does the public know about economic policy, and how does it know it? Alan Blinder, Alan Krueger The indirect effects of discredited stereotypes in judgments of Jewish leaders Adam Berinsky, Tali Mendelberg Public opinion and the politics of obesity in America J Eric Oliver, Taeku Lee The economics of real superstars: The market for rock concerts in the material world Alan Krueger The opportunity cost of admission preferences at elite universities Thomas Espenshade, Chang Chung Gender and racial inequality at work: Changing organizational structures and managerial diversity Alexandra Kalev Do accountability and voucher threats improve low-performing schools? David Figlio, Cecilia Rouse A population approach to the study of emotion: diurnal rhythms of a working day examined with the Day Reconstruction Method. Arthur Stone, Joseph Schwartz, David Schkade, Norbert Schwarz, Alan Krueger, Daniel Kahneman Flagships, feeders, and the Texas top 10% law: A test of the “brain drain” hypothesis Marta Tienda, Sunny Niu Would you be happier if you were richer? A focusing illusion Daniel Kahneman, Alan Krueger, David Schkade, Norbert Schwarz, Arthur Stone Research policy and the mobility of US stem cell scientists Aaron Levine Developments in the measurement of subjective well-being Daniel Kahneman, Alan Krueger Best practices or best guesses? Assessing the efficacy of corporate affirmative action and diversity policies Alexandra Kalev, Frank Dobbin, Erin Kelly From every tribe and nation? Blacks and the christian right Carin Robinson Repeated use of e-gov web sites: A satisfaction and confidentiality perspective Sangmi Chai, Tejaswini Herath, Insu Park, Raghav Rao Diversity, opportunity, and the shifting meritocracy in higher education Sigal Alon, Marta Tienda The BIAS map: behaviors from intergroup affect and stereotypes. Amy Cuddy, Susan Fiske, Peter Glick The evolution of national and regional factors in US housing construction James Stock, Mark Watson Evidence on the secondary market for concert tickets Alan Krueger, Marie Pray Hooking up and connecting lives: Online dating and the economics of marriage search Courtney Stoddard National time accounting: The currency of life Alan Krueger, Daniel Kahneman, David Schkade, Norbert Schwarz, Arthur Stone Time use and subjective well-being in France and the US Alan Krueger, Daniel Kahneman, Claude Fischler, David Schkade, Norbert Schwarz, Arthur Stone Revisiting the administrative presidency: Policy, patronage, and agency competence David Lewis Patronage Appointments in the Modern Presidency: Evidence from a Survey of Federal Executives David Lewis Measuring the subjective well-being of nations: National accounts of time use and well-being Alan Krueger Cracking the glass cages? Restructuring and ascriptive inequality at work Alexandra Kalev How many US jobs might be offshorable? Alan Blinder, others Global and episodic reports of hedonic experience Norbert Schwarz, Daniel Kahneman, Jing Xu, Robert Belli, F Stafford, D Alwin Minority higher education pipeline: Consequences of changes in college admissions policy in Texas Angel Harris, Marta Tienda A tale of two counties: Natives’ opinions toward immigration in North Carolina Kevin O'Neil, Marta Tienda Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Next page Next › Last page Last »