The SRC has conducted numerous studies requiring in-person interviews. To prepare, the SRC creates a tracking database so that a record of contact attempts is generated for all sample members. Experienced interviewers are recruited and trained in two- or three-day orientation sessions. For collection of field notes, questionnaire administration and response capture, the SRC maintains a fleet of 12 iPads with Wi-Fi connectivity and built-in cellular capability that enables mobile data collection over a wide range of areas. For areas without cellular or Wi-Fi signals, the iPads are equipped with standalone CAPI software. The SRC also has eight audio-recording devices that can be used for digital recording of in-person interviews.
Interviewers are organized into small teams working under the direction of the field supervisors, who monitor sample dispositions and advise interviewers on strategies for locating sample members and gaining respondent cooperation. Conference calls among team members also allow interviews to advise one another on locating sample members and clarifying issues related to specific question in the survey.